Weller's Pharmacy
Franklin Pierce Weller was a long serving druggist on Capitol Hill, starting in the 1890s, operating his business for several decades....
Joshua R. Giddings Elementary School - The first all black public school in DC.
Originally built in 1887, the J.R. Giddings School ( Now the Sports and Health Gym and formerly Results Gym) is considered a historically...
The Story Behind Philadelphia Row.
Between 1865 and 1867 Charles Gessford and Stephen Flanagan partnered in building 16 attached row houses on 11th Street, SE (132-144...
The History of Grant's Row
Grants Row The property on which the Folger Shakespeare Library sits, was once a row of grand houses known as Grant's Row, after the...
The History of Marion Park
Marion Park is bounded by Fourth & Sixth Streets and at the intersection of E Street and South Carolina Avenue. It is named in honor of a...
A History of Providence Hospital
#hospital #CapitolHill #CivilWar #DaughtersofCharity
History of the Site of the U.S. Supreme Court
#SupremeCourt #prison #CivilWar #federaldistrict
New Article on N&M House Detective
Check out the September edition of the Hill Rag to read an article on N&M House Detectives: Unlocking History. #article #press #media
Carolina Theatre 1913 - 1952
Carolina Theatre 1913 - 1952 The Carolina Theatre opened in 1913. It was a one storybrick building which contained a store and theatre...
Who Was William Prout?
Prout was one of the 19 landowners who signed the 1791 agreement with President George Washington to convey portions of their land to the...